Welcome to the Village of Lisbon, Ohio

In June of 1988, a chapel (pictured above) was erected through a community wide effort and is now used to conduct all graveside services.

Lisbon Cemetery
1 Elm Street
Lisbon, OH 44432
Phone (330) 424-7970
Since 1876, the Lisbon Cemetery has been overseen, maintained, and operated by a three-person Board of Trustees, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Village Council. Under this leadership, the cemetery has grown to over forty acres, and many consider it the most beautiful cemetery in Columbiana County. Day to day maintenance is the responsibility of one full-time maintenance supervisor along with a part-time clerk.
The Lisbon Cemetery office is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Board of Trustees
Wendell Cole
Jim Landfried
Cemetery Maintenance
Brian McCulley, Supervisor
Dustin Bowers (full-time)
Greg Bowers (part-time)
Cemetery Clerk
Patrick MacAleese
Lisbon Cemetery Rules and Regulations
Lisbon Cemetery Price List (Effective November 14, 2023)
Lisbon Cemetery Vendor Policy (Adopted March 22, 2022)
Lisbon Cemetery Foundations Policy
All winter decorations must be removed
from the cemetery by March 15 in order to begin spring clean-up, and all spring/summer decorations must be removed from the cemetery by October 1 in order to begin fall clean-up. Fixed saddles and vases can remain on monuments, but items on the ground will be discarded.
Photo by Jerry Tyson
Brief History
Henry Springer opened the historic Lisbon Cemetery, owned by the Village of Lisbon, in 1834 with the burial of his father, Dr. Joseph Springer.
Many historic elements are incorporated into the cemetery landscape. A Civil War era naval cannon and sea mine, secured by William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States, are prominently displayed. Also, a cast iron fence, circa 1870, that once enclosed the "old" Market Street School now encloses the grounds of the cemetery office. The beautiful and grandiose iron gates that adorn the main entrance into the cemetery are funded by the estate of former United States Supreme Court Justice John Hessin Clarke.
There are also monuments to the veterans of WWI, WWII, and the Korean War, and servicemen and women who participated in all American wars from the Revolutionary War to the present are buried here.
Additionally, the Hanna or Old Quaker Cemetery is located on a small plot of ground in a grove of trees at the east end of the cemetery. Though not officially part of the cemetery, the Board of Trustees and the Cemetery Maintenance Crew do take care of it as the Hanna family members were early residents of the village and made significant contributions to the history of New Lisbon, Columbiana County, and the United States.

Photo by Jerry Tyson
A privately owned mausoleum (pictured above), erected in 1914, was sold to the village by Mrs. Doris Eells for $1. This structure is in the art deco style that reintroduced a likeness to Egyptian tombs and temples. The extensively restored mausoleum is still in use and available for those who choose this method of burial.

Photo by Arlene Obertance
Over the years, several improvements have been made to the original cemetery:
1. Additional land has been secured through reclamation, donation, and purchase and incorporated into the cemetery grounds for burials.
2. Road ways through the cemetery have been paved.
3. New water lines and drains have been installed.
4. Entrance gates to newer sections of the cemetery have been added.
5. New structures have been built and maintained.
6. Extensive landscaping and tree preservation has been done (several of the trees are over 200 years old).
7. A Columbarium (pictured to the left) was erected in 2014 in our Memorial Plaza to house cinerary urns.